Ms access runtime 2010 sp2
Ms access runtime 2010 sp2

ms access runtime 2010 sp2

ms access runtime 2010 sp2

'Access 2000 Case "9." To "9.": GetAccessEXEVersion = "Microsoft Access 2000 - Build:" & sAccessVerNoĬase "9." To "9.": GetAccessEXEVersion = "Microsoft Access 2000 SP1 - Build:" & sAccessVerNoĬase "9." To "9.": GetAccessEXEVersion = "Microsoft Access 2000 SP2 - Build:" & sAccessVerNoĬase "9." To "9.": GetAccessEXEVersion = "Microsoft Access 2000 SP3 - Build:" & sAccessVerNo SAccessVerNo = SysCmd(acSysCmdAccessVer) & "." & SysCmd(715) 'Original author: Tom van Stiphout (I believe) 'New version information added by Daniel Pineault 'SysCmd(715) -> 6606 'Application.Version OR SysCmd(acSysCmdAccessVer) -> 12.0 On Error Resume Next Dim sAccessVerNoNo As String ' sAccessVerNo = fGetProductVersion(Application.SysCmd(acSysCmdAccessDir) & "msaccess.exe")

#Ms access runtime 2010 sp2 update#

All I have done was update it with values for Access 2007 SP 2 and SP3, 2010 & 2013.įunction GetAccessEXEVersion() As String 'Valid for us with Access 2000 or later. So at the end of the day, what do we do when all we want to know is what version of Access are we dealing with.īelow is a function, which I cannot take credit for and I believe (I could be wrong) that the original author was fellow MVP Tom van Stiphout and that I found a number of years ago while trying to solve this dilemma for myself. 0, it means nothing and finding a cross-reference table is next to impossible (unless you are on my site!) Even if they do retrieve this beautiful build number, such as.Even if they can, it normally isn’t a good idea to let users go play around in the Control Panel.Not all users can access the control panel due to security restrictions.Now this is not great for a number of reasons, of which: Microsoft solution is to tell you to use the Program and Features dialog from the Control Panel to get the build number of MS Office. Yet looking back at 2003, 2000 it was available at the click of a button! Sadly, over the course of the past new releases of MS Office, Microsoft has made finding the version, service pack level of each application difficult to locate, if possible at all. It is normally essential to always ensure that Office/Access is up-to-date when troubleshooting problems.

Ms access runtime 2010 sp2